Friday, February 21, 2014

Author's Book Talk at Deer Park Library

Rich and Annie English, the authors of the book "Retired at 48 - One Couple's Journey to a Pensionless Retirement" will be giving a talk at the Deer Park Public Library.

Date: Thursday March 6, 2014 - 2pm-3:30pm
Location: 40 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto, 2nd Floor

We will be talking about how we saved and planned for our retirement, answering the following questions:

1. How much did we want to spend in retirement?
2. How much do we need to save to support this spending, while having our nest egg last our expected life-times?
3. How would we invest our savings to grow this nest egg?
4. Once we saved enough, how could we structure our portfolio to:
      a) Generate a regular income flow sufficient to pay our monthly bills
      b) Minimize income tax owed

We will then talk about how we are currently finding economical ways to enjoy our early retirement including looking for ways to save money on:
  • Travel
  • Live Theatre
  • Museums
  • Interest courses

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